Wednesday, March 30, 2011

I Never Really Did Think Things Through

I'm convinced the dots around me are ghost orbs.
"I've got a twenty dollar bill that says no-ones ever seen you without make-up, you're always made up."

Dear Everyone,

So last night me, dez, and nick decided that it would be a brilliant idea to go ghost hunting. We went online and looked up local haunted areas, houses, anything that we could go check out so we could get the bajesus sacred outta us. After roughly 30 mins of tirelessly searching for something to scare us we found the legend of abq's very own Jack the Ripper. Allegedly some dude way back in the 1800's used to take prostitutes to his cave in the mountains on the weekends and kill them there and there have been reports of people hearing screaming, bodies being dragged, footsteps, and seeing a lamp being carried down one of the paths (also one site reported people being chased by "Jack" as they refer to him). So needless to say, we had to go check this one out- After a trip to walmart to make pop sickle stick crosses, get us some sea salt and some flashlights we were basically official ghost hunters.

I will admit I'm pretty sure I was the most spooked outta all of us going up there, without explaining background I'll just say I've had my fair share of brushes with ghosts and such.
To make things basic, we spent about 2 hours up there and did receive results surprisingly. Aside from the pictures we took with floating orbs in them we heard body dragging, and a couple other random noises like wheezing and I personally heard footsteps. OH! And all of us on separate occasions saw a lamp go over the top of the hill at the same spot.

Of course, we're all a glutton for punishment sooooo we're planning to go back soon. We'll be scouting it out during the day and next time the changes we'll be making will be the following
- Chris is suppose to be tagging along and i believe we need to bring one other to make it a prime #.
- We'll be going at dead time (3-5)

I'll keep you all updated on our ghost hunting in abq escapades hahah

But aside from all of that stuff I've recently decided that I'm too bitter and stressed for my age. Mainly I'm just a whole buncha stressed but I find myself being bitter more and more often lately, I wish I could control that more in myself. But never the less I am not perfect nor do I think I ever will be, so I'll have to settle for all the messes and stress induced situation I get myself into all the time, and probably use my escape of pokemon to balance them all out :]

But on a new note, I have started doing some of the drawings- expect results probably mid next week because I have so much planned for the next few days. I'm drawing Chelea and Mary currently and I'm doing a special side project with chelsea's picture. I'm also (inspired by birdy) contemplating trying my hand in painting again haha.

And for the people who read this only for this segment, BAND UPDATE:
So we've made a lot of changes recently; Me and nick have decided that we're going to make 2 covers there is talk of a 3rd but it’s not for sure yet but the 2 covers (that we plan, plan being the key word, to record tonight) will both be posted online for the fans to devour and use to crush our dreams and tell us to just give up while we're behind. Also we officially (and nick will probably get mad at me for telling you this) have finished 2 songs and are currently practicing them because we want them to be perfect and comfortable before we record the online post-able versions of them. We have 2 songs we need to finish, each one of us is lacking on one of them. And we have an idea for 2 more songs that we have done our best not to try to start because we need to finish stuff first. Also, I'll talk to nick and if he's ok with it the next time I post it will either be with the names of the songs we're going to be covering or with the covers we're suppose to record today.
Until later, bye

1 comment:

  1. I would be so frightened were I to go ghost hunting. But it would be awesome. I'm glad you're making progress on your music. :)
