Thursday, April 7, 2011

It's A Long Story

Right After First Nicks Tattoo (Credits to Electric Church Tattoo)
"When it's all said and done will you still love me?"

Dear Everyone,

So when it's all said and done this week has definitely kicked the crap outta me.

I've had probably one of the longest weeks I've had in a long time, I learned a lot though- about myself, about my friends, and about just life in general. On saturday we decided to get a slightly larger group together and try to go for up to haunted hill for round 2 with Jack, the ripper of abq... See the thing is though that when four hills catches on fire the fire dept. arent huge fans of kids running through the hills looking for ghosts so we had to do a rain check on hitting up haunted hill. But! We are basically professional ghost hunters so a slight change in plans couldn’t stop us! Needless to say, we work fast; We grabbed all our gear and headed for old town because we heard it's haunted.

It wasnt the scariest thing that we've done before, but it kept us entertained for the couple hours we wandered around. We took some pictures and got some unexplainable spots in some of the pictures, we heard some noises, and just some plain old creepy things happened like we laid down on the ground where some people are supposedly buried and dez all of a sudden felt like someone kicked her in the back- Ya know, weird stuff like that.

But for the record, we will still be visiting haunted hill at dead hour so do not give up on hearing the crazy hijinks of our ghost hunting actually expect quite the opposite! We are currently planning on either going to haunted hill, the insane asylum, or the santa fe prison this saturday. And yes of course there will be pictures, funny stories and a blog post for it all to fit in.

Also in a nut shell (referring to my life) I beat pokemon white, my Xbox 360 killed my Marvel Vs. Capcom 3, 2 of my favorite bands released new music (Taking Back Sunday and Meg and Dia) so check that out. Also nicks tattoo is itching currently so if any of you run into him in person slap him in the chest :]

and in order to attempt to not let this thing go on forever BAND UPDATE:
Well loyal fans that actually read this thing just for the band updates you will be thrilled to hear that we have made some gargantuan strides in our music. This week was a very hard week for us, You could say we came to a cross road and are rather bad with decisions but never the less from what I can tell we came out on top! We finally made the bands Face Book page, My Space(or because myspace is so cool now "My_____" page), and a page on reverbnation. Saturday we're gonna be having a big band practice day where our possible bassist may be joining us. And tonight we'll be taking some pictures to post on the pages! Also! We finally recorded the 3 covers we promised and they will be posted soon. We were suppose to have them posted today but Satellite Cafe wouldnt let us so we must now find alternate means of uploading them somewhere :] but I promise, they will be posted by the end of saturday at the latest. SO BE EXCITED.... or whatever... :]

Oh and I suppose I should post all the links to all the stuff now huh?

But for now, that is all- More to come for sure though so keep checking back
(ps. I have a plan to possibly upload the songs tonight after work! hopes it works)
But for now
Until later, bye

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