Sunday, March 27, 2011

I've Watched This Play Out Already

"It was your world baby and I just lived in it"

The Glamours Of Recording

Dear Everyone,

So the picture of the day is titled "this is what recording looks like", and let me say- its not as glamorous as it seems. Well this is one of those late night blogs, Dez already went to sleep and we just got back from the bar- Me? well I'm waiting for Nick, Reva, and Chris to get back from ihop because they wanted to go to a sit down place. *shrugs* 
So now I'm here... Bored... trying to stay awake so I'm using all of you to keep me awake.... 
Which is also an excuse for me not to do what I'm suppose to and to keep away from writing another song because me an nick have agreed to not do anything new till we finish what we already have on the table... so i guess this is a BAND UPDATE haha

Well today we didn't record vocals like we were suppose to... we realized that we've been approaching it all wrong... we haven't been writing like a team so its been all scrambled and is lacking the essence that is us. So me and nick are currently going over every single song we've written and tweaking it- this is partially and mostly because we think that the small fan base that we've already accumulated deserves a better band... If that makes any sense? We basically think you all deserve better than us half assing it but trust me what we're doing is and will def be worth it :]

On a side note, I'm in an odd place mentally lately... I have a couple friends going through some really heavy shit and I find myself at odds ends racking my brain trying to think of just one way that i could help... I always wish i could help... I'm also slowly realizing that I cant always change or fix things, strangely this is a very difficult concept for me to come to copes with. I wish i could always make my friends problems make a 360 turn but sadly i cant... One day i hope to be able to understand how the world works and how the human mind grasps the simple things and lets go of the heavy hard and brutal realities... 
Here's to hoping right?

But i guess never the less, I'm getting somewhere. I'm getting better at the little things and soon enough I'll tackle the big things that make me twitch and such haha. But for now, those of you who are having a hard time I'm praying for you... and I'm not a super religious guy so personally that's saying a lot. But I hope everyone is having a great night. Me and Nick are definitely trying very hard to hammer something real that you can hear.... We did record a very rough version of us covering "Damned If I Do Ya, Damned If I Don't"... So I guess if you really want to hear that you can badger us enough to the point that we'll post it somewhere so you can hear it :] 
Badger Nick, He's better at decisions than me :] 
but for now, i guess i should stop rambling... so
Until later, bye

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