Thursday, March 24, 2011

I Only Did What I Had To

"I loved you more, than I would ever dare tell you, I'd ever dare tell you."


(picture of the day)

This is a two part post today, part one being the interact part and part two being the blog post where i ramble a lot.

Interact With Readers Part-
1. Send me a picture for me to draw.
2. What would you do if you won the lottery? Answer in comments.
And now on to the blog.

Dear Everyone,

Yesterday me, dez, and nick partook in playing the lottery for the first time all because of a fortune cookie. Of course we're hoping to win but i kinda have this feeling that it won’t happen but at the same time nick was picking numbers that spoke to him so who knows. Also since this sparked the interactive question i will be posting and talking about mine and your answers sometime either this week or weekend. :]

It's been really windy lately, Albuquerque has officially become the bastard offspring of chicago and all the hot deserty parts of arizona. Personally, I effin hate the wind. It's annoying, it fucks with your sinuses, and it messes with everything i try to accomplish in my whole 2 mins i spend in the bathroom before leaving the house- It’s just stupid. But i guess i should be more productive with this blog instead of just complaining about the wind.
Lately I've been having a writer’s block of sorts; every time i get on here to express myself to the few people out there who actually care to read this i clam up and just write bullshit that doesn’t make sense then i delete it and repeat the first 2 steps, Its rather bothersome. I guess my minds starting to repeat my natural problem of hiding when it begins to be noticed creatively or really at all i suppose haha.

I have noticed recently a lot of things that I thought were laid to rest months or even years ago are starting to come back, I guess it just proves that you can never really bury the skeletons in your closet right? It’s really got me to start thinking about the heavy handed feelings like regret and denial its especially gotten me to start second guessing myself on a lot of those decisions I’ve made in the past couple years pertaining toward old friends that I’ve lost. Mainly it just makes me sad, but it’s still enough to get ya melancholy in my opinion.

But I have been going out of my way to try and just stay positive about everything in life, Also (BAND UPDATE) I decided a couple days ago the album (the rough album) will be done (recording wise) by the end of the weekend. I'm going to be finding secluded moments so i can just belt out some vocals and see where i might and might not want the songs to be going. Then as soon as that’s done the vocals will be recorded and the songs will be posted. Nick does have a couple of random things to do as far as writing a new chorus or bridge (also he still has to write the whole guitar part for kira) but I'm gonna kick him into gear with some red bulls and get him going like a maniac! It’s going to be awesome. It will definitely have to wait till the weekend though because currently I'm in really inconvenient hours at work so I have very little time to do much of anything aside from sleep and eat. But the album will go on gosh darnit!

And for those of you who have gotten this far in this blog post I again will ask for pictures of your to draw, I get bored at work and nick told me to hold off on the song writing because at that point I had 6 songs and he only had guitar for like 2 of em (because i write lyrics for one and he couldn’t get a good feel for how to make the guitar) but still. Now i need to do something so I’m going to start drawing again which requires that i have something TO draw... So send em.

Also I'm thinking about planning a road trip or a camping trip who's in and where should we go?
On that note I’ll be taking my leave so
Until later, bye.

1 comment:

  1. draw me an octopus trying to swat a honey bee. please :)

    also, if I won the lottery I would buy a sweet ass 2011 Camaro... and probably a new house. I'd take myself and 5 of the best/coolest people I know (including you) on a marvelous mini-vacay. then I would invest.

    thanks for sharing your thoughts :)
