Wednesday, April 20, 2011

They Smell Like Vitamins And Death

I Got Friends In Low Places
"They say that love is forever, Well forever is all that i need. Please stay as long as you need."

Dear Everyone,
I know I've been slacking in recent weeks, life's been hectic... I've been dealing with a lot of inner and outer demons. To make the most sense of it, I've become my own worst critic in life and I'm doing my best not to fall back into old habits of giving up when things seem too good to be true. On top of that I'm having problems with just certain things in my life and I'm trying to stop myself from letting my emotions get the best of me and just stay calm and think things through... I guess as the phrase should go, I'm my own worst enemy and my own biggest downfall even though on my own I built these walls.

But in the time I've been gone I obviously haven’t just been sitting in a room meditating, these past couple weeks have proven to wear on me as a person a lot more than I had ever expected. Between heavy decisions, exhausting conversations, ridiculous yet fun times and scary as fuck nights I'm pretty sure I just took a couple weeks off my life expectancy. A lot of heart felt conversations took place which was nice, mended a lot of friendships that I was starting to have major worries about, still a couple more to go though.

The scary part of course was the GHOST HUNTING. So last night I'm pretty sure I made more dumb decisions than I have in like 2 years or so? Just a guesstamate. So the story begins with the night before (monday) me, dez, nick, ashley, chelsea, and chris all decided that we're gonna go ghost hunting on Tuesday night. The next night we all sat down and talked about it and decided to have one last go at haunted hill. Well we were driving up there and noticed the full moon... which I'm not gonna lie made me a little concerned but I decided to brush it off. So have any of you ever heard of skin walkers? 

A little run down on skin walkers is that they're demons/dead witches that killed a family member back in the old days to gain the power of shape shifting into whatever being they want to change into, also its said that if you make eye contact they can posses you and or take your shape/form. Rumor also is that they only come out in desert areas or route 66 mainly on nights of the full moon. Hah, yeah i know right? fun shit. 

So we head up there all gearin to do some ghost hunting, and there's this one little place where a gazebo used to be (it burnt down a couple weeks ago) that we always have a communal cig at before we wander into the hills. We were all sitting, conversating and smoking then all of a sudden a coyote starts to howl. We look at each other and laugh and say something along the lines of "guess it caught a rabbit". Well you know how when that sort of thing happens one howls then another one from far away howls and then they just kinda use that to get back to each other? Well that wasn’t the case this time. Apparently these "coyote’s" were traveling in a pack and within seconds roughly 15 start howling about 20 feet from us. So we decided not to find out if they were in fact skin walkers and just bailed. 

BUT! Of course that wasn’t enough excitement for us! Never! Ashley begins to tell us about a place called "Chilili" where two families have basically started their own town through in-breeding with each other repeatedly for generations. No pictures are allowed, you're not allowed to stop, and there is a super creepy water tower, a giant glowing red cross hung above the town on the hill and on occasion if you get caught slowing down and such a car will chase you that will try to run you off the road. So we drove into the mountains through all the windy roads and such to go and check it out of course. We get there and its effin creepy as all hell, the red cross is eerie and we all have just a bad feeling when getting in and driving through the town. But we slow down and look around without stopping and such then leave the town and turn around, ya know the normal stuff for stupid kids to do. But as we go back through the town to go back the way we came we slow down and look and then eventually just start on our way back but the thing is apparently the families don’t take too kindly to slowing down so as we're calmly driving away a car pulls out and starts to speed after us. This is about the point that all of us start to freak. So we're racing through the windy roads through the mountains with the fuggin hills have eyes right on our tail all of us cursing and screaming like little girls. Chris wass in the back with blankets over his head so he has no clue what’s going on aside from the fact that he knows we're being chased and of course as we're taking the turns the wheels are lifting off the ground due to the speed and the weight. It was fucking scary is all I have to say. I will give major props to ashley and the toaster (her scion) for getting us the hell outta there though; she was driving like a crazy lady. That was basically the last of the excitement for us that night. We went down to los lunas to try and find stuff but it was a bust then we all went home and slept. 

But I guess I should get into the band stuff before this post gets too long so yeah BAND UPDATE:
We have been practicing our butts off to say the least. We have some major plans and we officially have 3 of our songs completely done and ready to be recorded which should be taking place next week, we plan to have at least 2 more ready by the time we start recording our own songs. Also we've been getting our name and sound out there lately by playing at small get togethers and such which has surprisingly been going really well! Also I'm sorry to all of our fans but we decided to scrap the cover of "I'm In Love With A Stripper" But! Do not fear, we have already picked a new cover that we have been practicing to replace it that I think all of our fans will enjoy. :] Aside from all of that I guess just keep your ears and eyes open for updates and thank you all so very much for all the continuous support you give us :] We love you and such.
But that's just about all the time and stories i have for I guess
Until later, bye.

1 comment:

  1. bahahahaha. "Chilili" - how frightening!

    Kinda freaky thinking about people in-breeding. Also, wolves are freakin crazy awesome. But i would be scared too. Since they'll rip you apart.

    In other news, I'm kinda of disappointed about the T-pain rejection, but I understand. There are many other sweet songs to cover.
