Monday, April 11, 2011

They've Got It Out For Me

In regards to missing people dear to me

"I don't want to know where I plan to go or where I'm going, I just need to know I'm running, I'm running."

Dear Everyone,

I've decided that I'm going to go get my bike from my parents house and start riding it like I used to when I was young, I will ride it hopefully at least once a day. My reasoning behind this is that I want to be in better shape and I've come to the conclusion that life moves too fast and cars are simply making that problem worse and worse. I also hope that riding a bike around could help me sort out my head I've been deep in thought a lot lately. I've just been wondering on such broad subjects which I think I subconsciously do in order to keep myself from finding an actual answer to them.

Like sometimes I wonder what it all means. I look around and watch the world flying by at such rapid pace where everyone lets every stress consume there life’s to the point that they no longer even realize that they’re living in the first place. I couldn’t tell you that I remember the first time I caught myself doing the very same thing, I wish I could.

I lose my mind sometimes, letting emotions get the very best of me to extents that even I don’t fully grasp. I get shaky or paranoid or overly happy and likewise overly sad, but all of it makes me feel more alive so is it a bad thing or a good thing? Living through emotion to feel a buzzing exhilarating feeling is better than some things but just like most things it could be considered an addiction...

I read an article on addiction and how to tell if someone you know is an addict and I basically fit the bill to a "T" as some would say, so all morning long I've been analyzing myself trying to find out exactly what this article is saying I'm addicted to. Currently I can’t find anything aside from emotional things... nothing physical.

Sadly, we cancelled the ghost hunting project. It turned out that we were all too broke drive up to Santa Fe on a whim that it may be open and it was too windy to try for the other two, if you live in abq you understand- it was really windy this weekend. So we laid around and drank and watched the snow (snow in April?!?! yes. snow in April.) and just enjoyed each other’s company. Mostly this week was focused on the band, all the hype behind the covers getting posted finally kinda paved a way for a lot of "oh ma god"'s and "holy shiv"'s on mine and nicks part.

(BAND UPDATE) We did get everything up and running (well most everything) as I posted in the last blog the band pages are up. We kinda just gave up on the myspace page because it’s so hard to get it to load. But the FB page and the Reverb page definitely have taken to a good running start. On Reverb there's a top 75 of whatever city you’re in chart and through the last couple days we've somehow jumped to #17 on the chart. Also we had our first kinda practice with our maybe probably bassist on saturday which went refreshingly well, we all get along which is nice. This week is to be the real test of things, this week will be (as nick refers to it) "Hell Week" for us. Hell week is where we spend the whole week indoors practicing our own songs and perfecting and changing and so on so forth. We have 6 songs that we hope to have finished and about at the point where they’re ready for recording by the end of the week, but to keep from getting overly serious and hating everything at some point in the week we will be making and posting a cover video for you all to watch (details will be released later on). So this week I don’t know how much I'll be keeping updated with things, if any of you have anything you need to let me just go ahead and Facebook me or text me.

Again I have to say thank you all for all the support and for giving us a chance to take a crack at a dream that’s been mine and nicks since we were rather young, words cannot express how thankful we both are. :]

But I guess for now, that'll do it. so
Until later, bye

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