Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Even Seasons Change

I always wanted to paint someone

"We'll play stop and go but it feels just like freeze tag."

Dear Everyone,
It's been a while since I hoped on here to give you all little tid bits of info about my life. This will be a "highlight" update of course because I personally don’t think that I'm interesting enough to just write tangents anymore well and there’s the new thing which is draining but I'll get to that in the "highlights" section :]
So without further addoo, "highlights"

1. If you don't understand any of this or me or know who I am for that matter just rewind like a lot of posts back and stuff, I don’t feel like re-iterating everything I've been through and how its changed because it has aside from my dosage of kid kimo has upped a little bit because the pill amountage isn’t "killing me enough" (no that is not a scientific term that is just my way of saying it)

2. I suck at grocery shopping; no let me re-state this so that there is no confusion, I REALLY suck at grocery shopping. The other day I went in, money in pocket ipod in ears- needless to say I was fuckin ready for some walmart grocery shopping.... or so I thought. I grabbed my basket which I named "bascket" and began on my journey through the aisles of food and angry families. I somehow managed to almost die about 3 1/2 times, was rammed by almost a dozen baskets and also got lost like twice. At the end of my excursion I had only filled the kid portion of my basket and realized I had completely forgotten what I like to eat and among this revelation I also realized that 4 year old kids can fill a grocery basket better than I (but on a plus note I found the most generic cola ever). So after failing miserably at grocery shopping I jumped on the back of "bascket" and sped out of walmart and toward my truck like a getaway driver (and yes, everyone looked at me like I was nuts)

3. I got a new eye infection so yes the white blood cell killing powers of my pills are working and yes the infection sucked. Spent countless dollars and time at the eye doctor, had the front of my cornea scrapped for testing and couldn’t see for almost 2 weeks (the world is a very cruel place when you're suddenly thrown into it and you can’t see and everything burns) but I find out today whether or not I'm officially better. Fingers fuggin crossed, right?

4. Been watching lots of new movies, listening to lots of new bands, tryin out some new concepts in life, trying to find the drive to not stop being artistic (mainly writing and music), and lastly trying not to drop off the face of the earth so much.

5. Planning a vacation because I fucking need one at this point

6. Lastly, I'm starting this new art project. I'm going to be doing this thing we used to do on the poetry slam team I ran in college where you basically write streams of consciousness for roughly 5-10 mins off a random phrase. I'll be posting this in my tumblr along with all the random pictures and phrases I already post. So if you care to read my crappy poetry and look at my awkward pictures by all means, stop by and check it out. :] http://mattstetris.tumblr.com/

but otherwise,
Until Later, Bye

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