Thursday, September 15, 2011

The One Eyed Boy vs. The World

I finally have a plan

"So give me the fevers that just won't break, and give me the children you don't wanna raise, and tell me about the cool he sings you in those songs, if it's better than my love then bring it on."

Dear Everyone,

Well it’s been a while friends...
I apologize for my absence things have just kinda become a little bit much in recent months so needless to say I decided to take some time off in whatever ways I could.

But this one isn’t going to be an epically long post just a small snippet for everyone to catch up on the highlights so yeah,

My sickness fluctuates, I trudging along and just sorta take it for what it is. My eye got a new disease that I get to live with, it’s called irritis. If you look it up online apparently you'll just hear a buncha horror stories is what the doc told me, I of course have yet to look it up, I just know that because of it I've been wearing glasses for almost a month now- with my luck it'll make me go blind in one eye (C'est la vie) then I get to be a pirate and I swear to god if that happens I will always talk with a pirate accent and I will always talk about rum and booty.

As far as my old disease goes it didn’t get better and it didn’t get worse since I was in the hospital, it just sorta stayed the same so the doctor decided to change my meds; Still steroids for 12 more months, new stronger constants, and kimo's kid brother (basically get kimo slice it in half then turn it into a pill) so needless to say I don’t feel too hot these days but I'm rather optimistic about things on that scale.

I'm still doing the whole writing and playing and recording thing as much as I can muster. Started drawing a little bit again. Took up photography again which is nice. Decided I'm going to try to start working out again, I'll let you know how that goes considering the pills and there side effects.
Oh, and I read a hell of a lot now. Like 2 books a week at least basically.

But I think that’s the just of things at the moment, I'm lookin up and trying to keep my eyes focused there. Get a hold of me if you need me take care and ummm yeah.

oh and congrats to jake on the very awesome surprise that he was just recently blessed with. :]
Until later, bye.

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