Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Waiting For The Summer to End Since Fall's Already Begun

I miss hipster laura
"I only said it 'cause I know what it's like to feel burned out, it gets you down. We've all been there sometimes. But tonight I'll make you feel beautiful once again."

Dear Everyone,
So I'm back to acting like my life is exciting and in turn writing about it to make you believe that its true, so hello. A lot has happened obviously, I'll attempt to make a short but sweet explination.

Blurry nights and allyways, Artistic outlets, Strange holidays, Health bounces and revilations, A new year, Found something old but amazing that has changed my life for the better, A lot of roadtrips-(subgroup: LA- Beaches, comics and great company. Las Cruces- Warped, I MET AND TALKED TO TAKING BACK SUNDAY and saw a lot of amazing bands. Vegas- Perfection but far too short.)

Thats about the just of it without getting into the current to much which is what I will talk about now since thats kind of what I used to do.

So the past two months (since the road trips ended mid july) have been interesting but I wont get into a retrospective ideal on it since the blog will now be mostly used for the purpose of a journal instead of a peak into my bands and life but interesting mostly means that I said bye to a lot of really good friends, including "hipster" laura(pictured above). I can say I had a lot of amazing moments though.

I'm going to be moving into my new place by the end of this month with my friend Stephanie which should be nice and hopefully a lot better than my last living arrangment. It will be crazy antics and artistic discovery on the daily which is something you can expect to be in here from time to time.

I'm sorta at an inbetween spot in a lot of things that I would like to write about though so I'm gonna not half hearted explain them until I can fully convey them so sorry, I'm slowly realizing this post was slightly immaturly written emotionally but I'm kinda trying to get back into the swing of all my social networks so please forgive me- I'll cut this short with a 10 min free write from earlier today and return with full well thought out thoughts.
Also lastly-since the death of Secrets Worth Keeping I've began a new side project with a friend of mine so expect updates on that when they exist.

I’m attracted to danger like a fly falling in love with the light that fry’s I want to taste the world when with sweetener, when my hearts racing and I’m free falling colliding with her words. I want to lose control like it’s virginity, unprepared and emotional- reckless abandon as my security flakes off leaving a trail mix like path that I doubt I’ll ever trace back. I want to light my eyes on fire and see what remains so I know what I’m after and when they ask if I’ve gone mad I can lie through the laughter.
Until Later, Bye