Thursday, July 28, 2011

The Countdown and what-nots

Another albuquerque sun

"You never knew that it would take so long to understand you're right where you belong."

Dear Everyone,

Dreams are weird.

I've been having a lot of dreams lately that don't necessarily make any small inkling of sense... that's un-nerving for me. It's like these past few months have just been a fucked up train ride through all the years that made the most of an impression on me. I'm currently trying to put the pieces together in my head thinking that there has to be some sense to be made of my dreams and the things that keep happening- so far no luck really. For example last night my dream contained ninjas, a concert, racing on tramway, zombies, rachel, tess, jacob, charissa, chelsea, laura, memories and a lot of running... I just simply can't find any resemblance of logic there at all... I'm reading too much into this so onto "the plan/countdown"

So as some of you may know and if you don't then put it in your calendar squares, MY BIRTHDAY IS 13 DAYS FROM NOW!!! (August 10th). So the questions arise,
What are you getting me?
What am I going to do?

yeah... those are pretty much all the questions I can think of... and well I can't answer the first one but I can answer the second. THE PLAN.
Currently my plan is to either; go on a road trip but seeing as how the world is a cruel place and I don’t see anyone tossing tons of bucks my way for said trip I don’t quite think this is going to be the choice that wins but if by some miracle its possible this is exactly what I will be doing.

The other option is to have a day of fun filled awesomeness which would include but not be limited to the following: Water balloon and gun war, Dinner, Jemez camping trip, Bar-B-Que in park, Going swimming, Lots of silly string, Captain America in theaters, Booze and guitar antics... and well anything else that you can come up with (I'm also currently accepting more ideas). So everybody, plan for it, embrace it, or just ignore it if you want- tis your choice.

(Life Update) To put it simply, my life has been uneventful. I've starting playing a game which very well may be the most twisted and sadistic game I've ever encountered which is always a fun experience. I've been looking into sickness stuff and trying to look things up to try and make myself better but it seems like every day I'm either staying the same as I was before or I'm getting worse... It's rather discouraging. 

I also apologize to everyone that hasn’t been hearing from me as of recent, I'm kinda going through one of those phases where I don’t talk to anyone and I don’t leave my apartment- I've recently started to come out of my living quarters though, you can thank Tess for that. I also read and finished a book this week, it was called "A love story *staring my dead best friend*". It was about death, love, and finding yourself in the best kind of way- with a road trip. It was a nice read, it made me feel accomplished finishing it and it left a good taste in my mouth afterward. I guess this is that point where I update the band stuff like always so

BAND UPDATE: things are still moving along at a nice steady pace. Recording a couple rough tracks is suppose to happen this weekend but it's still not a for sure thing. I have a could chunk of songs written and I've been getting help on added or re-writing guitar parts from Jake which has been a huge help. Also I've started a less serious and more fun loving side project which you should expect to hear from very soon. And for now that’s all the updates.

So... expect but don’t hold me to it- I'm gonna try and keep up the blog updates (yeah I said that last time too and I've been working on this one for like a week now but due to sickness and storms I've had delays).

Oh and happy birthday shout outs to Rachel Kristine Rovere Fowlds and Chambrie Yates!!
Also sad good-byes to Tess Taylor who is moving to Florida to be with that guy RC that she likes a whole hellava lot :]

So yeah, I think that's all for now...
Until later, bye